Stop Smoking, Bach Flower Remedies, 50 Ml, Bioherba

Dr. Bach's drops to stop smoking help overcome the desire to smoke and support the will.


  • Αpproved product at the Ministry of Health:
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    Respiratory system


Bach's drops only help the body to find its inner balance. They work on a fine level to restore the balance lost in various physical diseases and psychological conditions. Drops to stop smoking help to manifest the Will and overcome the bad habit.


Method of use:

As a dietary supplement, 4 drops dissolved in a glass of water 4 times a day (maximum daily intake 16 drops). Daily dose of 16 drops can be dissolved in 1 liter of water, then divided into 4 intakes during the day.


Maximum daily dose:

Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), honeysuckle (Lonicera), Walnut (Juglans regia), Olive (Olea), Elm (Ulmus), Aspen (Populus tremula) – 0.96 mg (16 drops).


Ingredients in 1 dose:

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